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Zones of Regulation

Everyday, apart of morning meeting, all of our students "check-in" with the zone they are feeling that day. At home, you can have your student and family members use a Zones chart to help support their communication of how they are feeling. You can be in one or more zones at a time. Example: Right now, I'm in the yellow zone and the green zone. I'm feeling frustrated about what's happening right now but I so feel calm and ready to take-on our new normal. 

What is it? 

"The Zones is a systematic, cognitive behavioral approach used to teach self-regulation by categorizing all the different ways we feel and states of alertness we experience into four concrete colored zones.  The Zones framework provides strategies to teach students to become more aware of and independent in controlling their emotions and impulses, manage their sensory needs, and improve their ability to problem solve conflicts." 

By addressing underlying deficits in emotional and sensory regulation, executive functioning, and social cognition, the framework is designed to help move students toward independent regulation.  

The Zones

The Red Zone is used to describe extremely heightened states of alertness and intense emotions.  A person may be elated or experiencing anger, rage, devastation, or terror when in the Red Zone. 

The Yellow Zone is also used to describe a heightened state of alertness and elevated emotions, however one has more control when they are in the Yellow Zone.  A person may be experiencing stress, frustration, anxiety, excitement, silliness, the wiggles, or nervousness when in the Yellow Zone.  

The Green Zone is used to describe a calm state of alertness. A person may be described as happy, focused, content, or ready to learn when in the Green Zone.  This is the zone where optimal learning occurs.  

The Blue Zone is used to describe low states of alertness and down feelings such as when one feels sad, tired, sick, or bored.  

To find more information, additional "pictures" or strategies to help your body get back into the green zone (calm ie: belly breathing) you can do a quick google search. 

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